Linda Hansee

Linda Hansee Class is the instructor for Mixed Media and Fiber Art classes at the South Lake Art League.
She’s a lifelong artist who began my career as an elementary art teacher certified in K-12 ART in New York State. Linda retired in 2000, after many years as an educator, and began working as a full-time artist.
Linda exhibited weavings at outdoor art shows for 12 years, from 1996 to 2008. In 2013, she sold her weaving equipment and moved to Florida with her husband, Allan. In 2014 she took a week-long course in pastel painting in Stonington, Maine.
Over the next seven years, she attended many workshops with well-known pastel artists. Linda exhibited her work in Member shows of the Pastel Society of Central Florida, outdoor art shows, and other exhibitions in the Central Florida area, winning many awards.
Since 2020, she has taken online courses in mixed media, collage, digital photography, and fiber arts. She’s always experimenting with new ways mediums.